50+ Ping Submission Sites List to Boost Your Indexing in No Time

Facing issues in indexing your blog posts or backlinks in Google and, other search engines?

Try this Ping Submission sites list to index your backlinks and blog posts fast in Search Engines. More than 80% of backlinks created by you are never indexed by Google.

This is the place where ping submission sites work great. With the Ping Submission method, you can easily get your blog, websites, and backlinks indexed by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and RSS feed directors with just a single click.

Want to know how?

No Worries!!

Today in this post, I will guide you step by step all about:-

  1. What is Ping Submission in Seo?
  2. Why Ping submission is Important?
  3. Benefits of ping Submission Sites and many more.

Just Stay tuned with this post till the end.

At the end of the post, I will also share with you the Top Ping Submission site list for your blog, which will help in the fast crawling and indexing of your blog.

What is Ping Submission?

Every Blogger wants their blog will crawl and index fast in Google search engine and other search engines too.

Fast-crawled and indexed sites will rank fast in Search Engines.

Now let’s dig into the topic of what is Ping Submission in SEO?

Ping Submission is a method through which we give information about our latest Post to Search Bots. So that, they get information about our article and, show them in search results, by quickly reading our Blog Post.

What is ping submission in seo

By Pinging post URLs in Ping Submission Sites, Google Bots receive an invitation to visit our latest post, read them and, index them fast in Search Results.

Google uses bots to read any article and these bots work according to their Time Schedule. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days to crawl and index a website, or sometimes it crawls a site within 1 day. It totally depends on Google Bots.

This is the reason for the late indexing of your blog posts.

Ping Submission in WordPress Site?

Adding free Ping Submission sites to your WordPress blog is very beneficial for your blog. Some say adding free ping submission websites to your WordPress blog will decrease your blog security and, also affect your website load time.

This is not true, it is totally a myth.

Using free ping submission sites will help your site in ranking and, increasing traffic. Ping Submission sites will improve your site’s Search Engine Optimization and help in fast indexing.

Advantages of Ping Submission

  • Super Fast Indexing of Your Blog URLs and Backlinks by Different Search Engines.
  • Higher Ranking in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) by indexing your blog’s incoming links.
  • Visibility of your blog in SERPs because of Fast Indexing and crawling.
  • Increase in Organic Website Traffic.
  • Increase in Quality Backlinks for Your Website.

How to Index New Websites Fast In Search Engines?

On the Internet, you will find lots of ping Submission sites but only a few of them are genuine which works great.

Here I am sharing with you some of the Popular Ping Submission Sites:-

1. PingMyUrl

Ping My URL
Ping My URL

Pingmyurl.com is a free tool that helps in fast indexing your latest blog post in Google Search Engine Result Pages. The main advantage of Pingmyurl is if your site server is from India then, it will give preference to your blog first as compared to others.

With Ping My URL you can also ping your latest article on Social media platforms and this also creates a backlink for your blog.

2. Pingler


www.pingler.com is one of the best tools for pinging your site to different search engines because it allows you to ping your latest article according to its category. This will help in ranking your post for the targeted keyword fast.

Pingler is a paid tool but you can use it for free too. The Free tool allows you to ping 6 articles in a day.

3. Pingomatic

pingomatic ping submission

Pingomatic is also a very good tool for ping your article in different search engines. It also allows you to provide a title box on which you want to link your article.

This is a good feature of pingomatic through which you can target a particular post on relevant keywords also. It also provides some extra specialized services for pinging.

In Pingomatic you can also insert your RSS feed URL.

4. PingFarm

pingfarm ping submission

PingFarm.com is also a good tool for ping submission. Here you can submit your latest post according to targeted keywords. First, you have to enter the main keyword/title of your blog then enter the URL of your latest post and finally, ping your URL to all major search engines.

5. Feed Shark

Feedshark ping submission

Feedshark.brainbliss.com is also one of the best tools for ping submission. Here you can enter your post title, description with your URL. This will bring your post fast Google search results. It allows you to submit your blog URL in many ping services at one time.

Top 50+ Ping Submission Sites List


You can do a ping Submission of your latest blog on any of the above-given ping submission sites.

How to Add or Update Ping Submission Sites List in WordPress Blog

If your blog is on WordPress then, it is quite easy for WordPress users to ping their latest blog posts to different ping submission sites automatically.

Below I have shown you the step-by-step guide to how can you Add or Update your Ping Submission Sites list in the WordPress blog.

Step 1:- Just log in to Your WordPress blog and click on the settings tab.

Wordpress ping submission settings

Step:2 In Setting just go to the Writing Tab

writing in wordpress ping submission sites list

Step:3 Now After click on Writing tap in Settings you will see an option of Update Services.

update services ping submission

Step:4 Now, Just paste the above ping submission sites list in this box and click on save changes.

save changes ping submission

Hurray!!! You have done it.

Now, You have successfully updated the Ping Submission sites list in your WordPress blog.

Whenever you publish a new post in your blog, these ping submission sites will automatically ping your article URL in Different Search Engines.

FAQs For Ping Submission Sites List

Q1. What is Ping Submission in SEO?

Ping Submission is a process of letting Google and other search engines about newly published blog posts. It helps in the fast indexing of new blog posts in search results.

Q2. Does Ping Submission Work in {year}?

Yes, the Ping submission sites list still works for fast crawling and indexing of your blog post in different search engines.

Q3. How Often do we ping our New Blog Post?

Whenever you publish a new blog post. Just ping it once to ping submission sites.

Q4. Is Ping submission Still working?

Yes, Ping submission sites still help you with fast indexing.

Conclusion on Ping Submission Sites List

So, friends, I hope I have cleared all your doubts related to What is Ping Submission? How to submit website URL to Ping Submission sites list and How to add Ping Submission sites to WordPress blog.

If you liked this post and gained knowledge then please, share it with your friends and on your social media platforms…

Because sharing is Caring. 🙂 🙂

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Hi, I'm Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj, founder of BloggingQnA. A blog that provides authentic information regarding blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing, and how to Earn Money Online with blogging.

16 thoughts on “50+ Ping Submission Sites List to Boost Your Indexing in No Time”

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  2. Hello Mangesh, I go through all the posts of your link building category. All of your resources are well updated and working. Thank You So Much for all the information and specially for arranging this link building resources for us.

  3. Nice list of Ping submission sites. However, I was wondering how long does it take for search engines to index ‘URLs’ after submitting those ‘URLs’ via these Ping submitters?

  4. Hello Mangesh, I go through all the posts of your link building category. All of your resources are well updated and working. Thank You So Much for all the information.

  5. Brother, none of these websites is opening, maybe it is non https? This is the error “The connection to api.feedster.com is not secure”.

  6. Bro all the links are non Https and are not opening. Everytime I try to open new link given above its keeps popping error which Sp Yadav has mentioned above as “The connection to api.feedster.com is not secure.”

  7. Hi! Manglesh, I was wondering where can I watch a dedicated tutorial which shows how to increase DA and PA of the website. I am sure you would answer to my question.

    Thank you


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