interview with Sumit Sao – Tips to be A successful Blogger

Hello Bloggers!

A very warm welcome to another amazing interview of BloggingQnA Interview series.

Previously I interviewed Santanu Debnath Founder of BloggingJoy. He is one of the most humble bloggers in the blogging industry. You can check that interview by clicking here.

Today, I am coming with up with one more amazing interview of a pro bloggers who is doing amazing in the blogging field.

He is one of very good friend on mine and I always ask him to help me out if i face any problem in blogging.

I am glad to having him on my blog.

Are you excited to gather some blogging information from a pro blogger?

I know you are!

So, without wasting time, let’s ask some amazing questions to Sumit Sao and bring more values to you guys.

interview with sumit sao

Q1. Hey Sumit, Please introduce yourself to BloggingQnA readers?

Thanks Mangesh for inviting me to this awesome interview series.

Hey friends, I’m Sumit Sao, 26 years old passionate blogger from India and founder of where I try to provide helpful guides related to Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate Marketing.

Apart from this, I’m also running a Facebook group “Blogging Lift VIP Group” which is joined by 28,500+ bloggers all around the world.

In this Facebook group, I’ve shared 130+ blogging and SEO tips which can help you to improve your ranking.

Recently, I started my YouTube channel “Sumit Sao” where you’ll get awesome guides related to blogging, SEO, and affiliate marketing.

Q2. How you first got involved in blogging?

This story is very interesting. During the last semester of my Engineering, I learned HTML.

So, I decided to design a webpage by writing HTML codes. But after designing this webpage. The main problem was for me that I did not know how to show this page on the internet.

But from somewhere I came to know that we have to purchase a domain name for this. So, I purchased a domain name.

After purchasing that domain name, I was very confused. Because I did not know how to link this domain name to my webpage.

I called Godaddy support team then they informed me that I need to purchase hosting for this. And finally, I purchased hosting from Godaddy and launched my single page educational website.

Related: {GoDaddy promo code for domain} Buy .com Domain at Cheapest Price From Godaddy

After that, one day, I accidentally visited ShoutMeLoud and I think that they also designed this awesome website by writing HTML codes.

But After reading ShoutMeLoud articles, I knew that they are using the WordPress platform and we can earn money from our blog through Google Adsense. I also heard about the Google Blogger platform.

Related: Top 14 Google Adsense approval trick For Fast Approval

So, I shifted my entire blog to blogger and after 3 unsuccessful blogs, Finally, I launched Blogging Lift in August 2017.

Q3. The main reason for starting

After reading my previous answer, you can understand that when I start my first site at that time I don’t even know what blogging, domain name & hosting are.

related: Cheap and best hosting provider in India

I just start blogging as a hobby and I did a lot of mistakes and learned from it. That’s why I started Blogging Lift. So that I can share whatever I have learned with my lovely readers.

Also Read: 7 Mistakes a Newbie Blogger Makes To Become Pro

So that they don’t make any mistakes like me and get valuable information through my blog.

Q4. Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?

I started my blogging journey as a hobby blogger but now, it became a part of my life.

I see many ups and downs in this journey. Now, I’m treating it like a pure business. That’s why I always invest money in my blog and in my learning to take my blog to the next level.

Q5. Are you a part-time blogger or Full-time Blogger? How you are managing your time with blogging?

I’m a part-time blogger that’s why it’s very difficult to manage time for blogging.

But Books like “Eat That Frog”, “The one thing” and many other productivity books helped me a lot to manage time for blogging.

I’m planning to leave my job to do full-time blogging.

Q6. When and why did you choose this niche? It is highly competitive.

I started my first blog in blogging niche in 2016 but it didn’t work for me. So, after doing some research, I again started a new blog from scratch “Blogging Lift” in August 2017 and glad to say that now it’s a well-known blog.

And I know that this niche is super competitive. But we all know that if the competition is very high it means that there is huge money in this niche.

If we’ll make some proper strategies then we can make a good amount of money from this niche.

Q7. Traffic is the biggest concern for newbies. What you did for traffic in your initial days?

It’s one of the biggest problems of every blogger.

When I started my blogging journey then it was a serious problem for me.
Frankly speaking in those days, I joined lots of Facebook group which allow article sharing. I used to share my articles in those groups.

But after some time, I realize that it’s not going to help and I should build my own community and provide some value to build my own audience.

And I think it was the best decision of my blogging journey because now I have more than 28,500+ bloggers in my community.

Related: 32 Proven Ways to Increase Instant Website Traffic

Q8. The best thing you did for building your Blog?

I invested money on the blog. I purchased premium themes, plugins, and other tools which helped me to take my blog to the next level.

Apart from this, I also created my Facebook Group in 2017. It helped me a lot to build a huge audience. Because now this group has more than 28,500+ members.

Q9. When did you make your first dollar online and what efforts you made to earn it, and in how much time you earned it?

I earned my first $65 from the Bluehost affiliate program. It took me more than 7-8 months to earn my first dollar from affiliate marketing. I’ve written a detailed article about it on my blog.

Q10. Share some amazing affiliate marketing tips that you followed every time to generate sales?

I’m using the simple strategy that I always try to publish the informational article and In those articles, I insert my affiliate links in a natural way.

For example, 2 months back I published an article “How to get Site load time under one second” in that article I inserted the affiliate links of hostings and plugins in a natural way and it generated a good amount of sales for me.

Q11. Some more tips to increase affiliate sales?

I always try to learn and implement new strategies. Here are some strategies which can help you to increase your affiliate sales:

  1. Trust is an important factor in affiliate marketing. If your audience trust you then there is a huge chance that they’ll purchase the product you recommend.
  2. Add after blog post sections and promote 1-2 best affiliate programs. If you don’t know how to design it then watch this video.
  3. Write Review & Comparision articles.
  4. Create a 7-days or 10-days email course and add the affiliate link in some of these emails. It also gives a good result.

If you don’t know how to write a perfect review and comparison article then must read my SEMrush Review and SEMrush vs Ahrefs article. Check these two articles to get some ideas.

Also, you should write the Black Friday deals article. Because during Black Friday, you can generate a good amount of sales easily. So, must start writing articles on Black Friday deals in advance.

Q12. As you mentioned above about your Facebook Group. How did you create such a huge follower base? Share some tips to grow a Facebook group.

Here are a few strategies which worked for me to grow my Facebook group:

Apart from this, I always try to promote my group in my interviews, guest posts and email list.

Q13. What are your future plans for Blogging?

My future plans are to publish more and more helpful content on my blog, growing my Facebook group, building a huge email list and spending more money on my blog.

Q14. According to you How many budgets Needed To Start A Blog?

Anyone can start their own blog under $100. You need to spend money in the following things;

  1. A Domain name (Approx $5-$10)
  2. A good hosting (Approx $45)
  3. And a premium theme (Approx $40)

Q15. Newbies want to earn money as soon as possible. What would you like to suggest to them? 

Blogging is not a rich quick scheme. It takes some time to earn money from it. If you are thinking that you’ll start your blog today and you’ll start earning money in the next 20-30 days then it’s not going to happen.

Remember, if you want success in blogging then it requires 3 things:

  1. Hard Work
  2. Dedication &
  3. Patience 

Q16. Best Hosting, Theme, and Plugins recommendation for every newbie?

Here is the list of essential tools and Plugins:

Q17. How Much You are Earning from Blogging per month? Just To Motivate Newbies.

I’m earning between $600-$1000 per month. It’s coming from different affiliate programs. Recently, I learned the “set and forget method” and I implemented it. It starts giving me good results.

Q18. What’s your suggestion for my blog? (If any)

Your blog and YouTube channel both are very helpful for bloggers.

I Hope guys You enjoyed this interview and learned some amazing tips to take your blog to the next level.

Share your feedback in the comment section and If you find this interview helpful, make sure to share it on your social media handles.

Your every share counts. 🙂 🙂

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Hi, I'm Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj, founder of BloggingQnA. A blog that provides authentic information regarding blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing, and how to Earn Money Online with blogging.

23 thoughts on “interview with Sumit Sao – Tips to be A successful Blogger”

  1. Hi Mangesh,

    Thanks for giving me this opportunity to share my blogging knowledge with your lovely readers.

    I hope that this interview will help your readers.

    Sumit Sao

  2. Congratulations Both of You. Interesting questions as well as Sumit Sao brother answers are delight to read. It definitely motivates new Bloggers.

    Keep doing more interviews.

  3. Hey Sumit Bro,

    Great interview bro. You have shared some amazing insights here. Enjoyed reading the article.

    Thanks Mangesh Bro, for inviting one of my favorite bloggers here!

  4. Hello Mangesh,

    Great to SEE Sumit’s interview on your blog. I know him for the past few years. He is a very hardworking and dedicated Blogger. He also shares amazing SEO and Affiliate Marketing tips to grow a blog. Amazing Interview

    Vishwajeet Kumar

  5. Hi Mangesh

    Very interesting interview brother.

    Sumit Sao is truly an inspirational blogger, and his knowledge around Blogging and SEO topics are very good.

    We both are from same Place. And it’s very motivating for me to see someone doing such a good work at a high scale. His blog and his Facebook group motivates me a lot.

    Thanks for sharing this awesome Interview Buddy.

    Tarun Kashyap

    • Hello Tarun

      No doubt, Sumit brother is an amazing guy with lots of knowledge in blogging. That’s is my main motive to introduce him on my blog so that, he can share his journey with us and with all the newbies out there.


  6. It’s really a good interview and all honest answers given by Mr. Sumit Sao.

    This interview will motivate a new blogger. Who quit Blogging after few months. Even after getting banned from AdSense. He has not mentioned AdSense a single time for making money from his blog. All the best bro for your future Blogging career.

  7. Hi Mangesh,

    great questions, brother, Sumit is a wonderful person and such a talented blogger. He has more than 28k members on his group, as he mentioned in the interview. I admire the virtues of Sumit as a persona and blogger.

    Thank Mangesh bro for conducting this awesome interview. I
    loved it!!

    Santosh Gairola

  8. Hi Mangesh,
    It’s good to see Sumit giving interview on your blog. Sumit has a huge passion for bloghing ,I know him for a few months and the thing amazes me about him is his helping nature .
    Enjoyed reading this interview. Very nice questions.

  9. Hello Mangesh Sir,
    It’s really an awesome interview, I enjoyed reading it! (Thanks to your interview series)
    I want to say thanks to Sumit Sir for sharing his inspiring blogging story. I learned new affiliate hacks and blogging tips here.

    Waiting for new inspiring interviews from well-known bloggers like Sumit Sao to learn new things.

    Thank you so much!


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